Saturday, August 22, 2009

Floral tribute

When I was a young whipper snapper I had an often snakey and always scarey big sister, Selma. She was pretty good at coming out with snappy one liners (especially to her parents and teachers, I think). But before she inflicted a smart remark on one of the grown ups, she seemed to enjoy trying them out on me. Many of them went straight over my head because I was just too young, but there are some that I have retained over the years.

And who knew that one of Selma's retorts could become an annual mantra???

Yes, way back then Selma unwittingly gave me some very good advice:

"Take a photo - it will last longer!" she'd suggest if I looked her way for longer than 1 second. Well, yesterday that was exactly what I did.

These flowers wont last long once the weather heats up.

And right now they are so new, just waking up on these first few spring-like days.

Yes, they are yawning, blinking slowly and taking a look around.

Some for the very first time. These lovelies came from Lois' garden only a few short months ago as cuttings.

Not like these little rays of sunshine - they make an appearance every year. A bit like Ringo Star at the Chelsea Flower Show...

The beautiful people never hang around long.

And yet, others come back and bring 10 of their mates along too.

This lemon blossom smells like, um - well, it smells like lemon blossom. But I like that smell... Lots.

There's no flowers here, but more nice smells. Sniff sniff, mmmmmmm.

I plan to refer back to this post in February when my garden looks a tad less hydrated. It will give me something to cling to when everything is wilted.

Thanks for the advice about taking photos Selma! Can you tell I'm not scared of her any more?

Then again, after this maybe I should be!!

Jen x

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