Monday, October 26, 2009

CFA Expo

I am pleased to report that the Hatchlings (along with their cousin, Nickers) approached the recent CFA Expo Day with all the seriousness and earnest they could muster.

They have been counting down the days until the official fire season commences - you know, backwards from 165. Gifted they are, G.I.F.T.E.D.

They have drafted their bushfire plan.

Cleared unwanted debris from around the house.

Checked the hoses.

Cleared gutters.

Conducted fire drills.
You name it they've done it.

Well, at least they would have done all those things if they weren't all under the age of 5.

Jen x

Monday, October 12, 2009

Bicycles 101

I remember it very clearly – the weekend I learned to write a bike. Admittedly I was a bit older than Hatchling No.1, so the process was a bit faster. This, I fear, may be quite a long process.

I didn’t have any training wheels – Hatchling No.1 rather likes his training wheels.

Not least of which is because without them he would be lying on the ground with a bike on top of him a LOT. He likes the bell too.

I didn’t have a smooth, flat netball court to learn on. I had a gravel driveway with a slight slope down, then up. It was perfect because I could use the downhill slope to start rolling without any use of pedals, and then the upward slope would bring me to a stop without any brakes. Perfect.

Maybe we should take Hatchling No.1 back to my childhood home and ask the current owners if they’d mind us using their driveway for some bicycle 101.

No, wait! Hatchling No.1 has found his happy face! He’s smiling! He’s pedaling!

He’s smiling and pedaling!!

Hatchling No.2 is smiling too - mostly because he found this puddle to ride through. Boys and muddy water – the yin and the yang.

If I told you I caught Hatchling No.2 dipping his hands in this muddy puddle water and drinking it would you be grossed out??? I was just wondering - that’s all. No, nothing to confirm or deny at this stage, really. No, really!

Okay maybe he drank a little bit. But don’t worry I leapt into action and put a stop to it! And then every time I turned my back he drank some more. Sigh. His immune system is going to be SPEC-TAC-U-LAR!

Its all part of bicycles 101 – watch out for the next installment.
Jen x

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Photo Enlargement Dilemma

We have a rather nude wall in our living area that is clearly bothering Union Jack. His vision is for a large photo of the Hatchlings to take pride of place on this wall. I am thinking canvas rather than framed photo...

What do you think of this pic - should I blow this one up and put it on a canvas?

Of course a similar shot of Hatchling No.2 will then be required to minimise the sibling rivalry that will enivitably emerge once Hatchling No.2 is big enough to notice that there are more photos of his brother on our walls than there are of him!!

No, I think its best to keep the score even on that front - see my '5 things' list to the right of this post....

Jen x