Thursday, April 9, 2009

Phew! That was a close one...

Now, I have heard of cheeky press people sneaking into the Victorian bushfire struck areas to take photos from which they can earn a few $$$. I am NOT one of those people. There is no money to be made from these photos, and they are taken around my Mum's house. They were taken on the road I often walked as a teenager - either home from school or just for a bit of exercise. So I feel I have a connection to these places....

It is by sheer luck and timing that I don't have a photo of Mum's place all burnt down. With a few hundred metres to spare on February 7th the wind changed and blew the fire away from her. Can you believe it?

During the biggest fire Victoria has ever seen my Mum and Dave watched the fire heading straight for their home while they splashed water around to try and protect it. In the following shot you can see where the fire went through. It travelled from left to right across this image, as well as burning back up the mountain to meet the horizon.

Apparently the noise of the fire sounded like a 747 jet engine. Nothing could have stopped the flames that day - except Mother Nature.

And for my Mum, she did.

Gee, we really love Mother Nature sometimes!

Especially because before we know it the road to Mum's will once again look a bit like this.

Get busy Mother Nature. Paint us a bushy green landscape once again.

Jen x

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