Friday, March 20, 2009

Horsing around - GOOD LUCK COURTNEY!

My niece, Courtney, is participating in horse trials this weekend. The horse wont be on trial in the legal sense - I'm pretty sure has hasn't been involved in any crimnal activity to date. I think its more a trial to see how skilled both horse and rider are. Courtney is 11 and will be taking on dressage, show jumping, cross country and I'm not sure what else. I don't know about about you but I'm impressed. Here is a picture of Courtney and her noble steed Bobby from a competition back in January:

They look pretty smart huh? Both horse and rider did a tip top job on that occasion (which was the first trials Courtney had participated in).

It was when Courtney reported to me earlier this week about last weekend's pony club camp that I got a surprise. She told me that camp was good, but Bobby was a Tosser (note: with a capital "T"). This came as quite a shock for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I didn't even realise that Courtney was familiar with the term 'Tosser', and she used it to describe how she felt about her four legged friend perfectly. Perhaps this is evidence of the influence of her pommy uncle? Secondly, and most important, by all accounts Bobby is not generally a Tosser. He is quite the gentleman in fact. Take another look - is that the face of a Tosser? I don't think so. Maybe he was just having a bad week? Look at him - he's gorgeous!

So, I would like to forward to Courtney an enthusiastic "Good luck!" for this weekend, and in case Bobby is a follower of my blog too - "Stop being a Tosser and do your best work out there. There's bound to be apples/carrots and other yummy stuff in it for you!"

Knock 'em dead you two.

Jen x

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