Hang on, what?!
Please remind me of these words when the Hatchlings grow into teenagers - I have a feeling they may adopt a similar policy to our local birdlife.
Anyway, being the adorable creature that he is, Union Jack built me a bird table. It stands proudly in the garden by our deck, and we are visited daily by some colourful characters.
If birds could shout, that is what these two lorikeets do at about 8am every morning if the bird table looks bare. On the left is Sid, and on the right is Wanda.
Sid has anger management issues, but he's working on it. Nowadays he can generally hold it together so long as a cockatoo doesn't show his cheeky face. Much like the Hatchlings, Sid also has issues with sharing.
Wanda is his loyal partner, who used to be a Rolling Stones groupie but has now settled down to a quiet life with Sid. While Sid fluffs his feathers and does the macho thing, Wanda just stares adoringly at him.
Well, it's either adoration or she's dying to tell him to shut up and stop showing off. Maybe she's just waiting for a break in conversation, which is mostly one-way (i.e. Sid's way)...
No, I am pretty sure they adore each other. Sid and Wanda do everything together. And besides, with outfits like that I'm not sure who else would want to hang out with them. Sid and Wanda are such attention seekers!Jen x