Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hairstyles - the long and the short

Here is a picture of me and my sister in law, sitting on our father in law's lap. The photo was taken at the party held in the UK to celebrate Union Jack and I getting engaged and skipping the country. The party was fantastic, the 70's funk band were spectacular and by golly my hair was LONG!!!

I have been trying to grow my hair a bit longer recently, but this photo has spurred me on. I think I want long hair again!

The followng (very blurry) photo was taken at a work break-up party last March. In some kooky transcendental fashion, the blurriness of this image matched exactly with how blurry everything was looking to me at the time, due mainly to the consumption of LOTS of beer.

The activities that followed this photo session included a marathon session at a Melbourne karaoke bar, Glen Campbell's Rhinestone Cowboy, and waaaay too many cosmopolitans. But I digress...

The point is that in this photo my hair was SHORT. And BLONDE! Seeing this photo makes me want to chop off all of my hair and colour it immediately!!

Now I am torn. Long and dark? Short and blonde?


Jen x


  1. Oh dear, advising on hair styles is a slippery slope. I do like blonde and short .......... but then I like long and dark too! At least you have a choice I can not grow my hair beyond my shoulders, not because I have some sort of freaky disorder but my hair is so fine! I have gotten myself off track. I vote

  2. Your sister-in-law is not going to love you for posting that pic of her...not her best nano-second!
    Here's a Psycho-analysis from a complte seem to be linking hairstyles to account for significant moments of your life....the fun and happy times! Therefore, based on the theme of "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" I would have to say go Long And Blonde. Not only does it almost rhyme but it will almost, surely bring you foxy, feminine fun!!

  3. Hmmm... Hard choice as both hairstyles suit you well. Going by my own experiences, you could always start growing your hair long and see whether you have the patience for it. If it does get to the length you want, see if you're happy with it. If not, cut it short again. Time consuming I know (if only it could get long in 6 weeks not 6+ months), but time is something that keeps on coming...

  4. PS. And you blamed the blurry gene solely on Union Jack's side... Unless it's catchy...
