Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hip Hip Hooray!!

Good grief is that the time?? Exactly how many days/weeks have slipped by without me publishing this post??

Errr, hmmm, um - two weeks and two days ago, The Hatchlings had their birthday party.

As you can see, there was a Bob cake for Hatchling No.2, some rather spiffy cupcakes (made by moi), party hats, blowers, and a Batman cake for Hatchling No.1.
In the spirit of the chaos that is my life, there were no official 'party games' - this was an all in free-play-fest!! I think we were all the happier for it too. With a cubby house, totem tennis, sandpit, new toys, old toys and other kids a-plenty - keeping the little people entertained was a non-issue. Besides, many seemed to be just there for the food...

THE HIGHLIGHT - Watching Hatchling No.2 start blowing before the candles were even lit or "Happy Birthday" sung. (By golly it was HIS Bob cake and he knew exactly what to do with it after a serious month packed with other kids' birthday parties!!!)

THE LOWLIGHT - The outrageously pathetic pinata purchased from certain 'paper people' who shall remain nameless. The sportscar pinata blew a head gasket at the FIRST HIT!!!!

Fortunately the kids were all too high on the lolly-grab to clock what had happened...

Party pie anyone??

Jen x

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