Thursday, October 14, 2010

Two legs: good. Eight legs: yikes!

There is only one thing worse than finding a visitor of this size on your lounge room wall during a warm October evening...

...and that is finding out that he brought his mate with him, who has snuck into your bedroom while nobody was looking.

Ah, just another couple of interesting visitors to add to the list of those who have dropped in at our place. Remember her? And him? And them??
At times our place seems a lot more country than town, but then that's what happens when you live on the brink of both!

Jen x

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Brotherly bongos

No editing activities have been undertaken on this shot of my two Hatchlings.

I can confirm that yes, Hatchling No.1 is in fact playing the bongos on Hatchling No.2's head.

Yessiree, he's knocking out a really bitchin' rhythm right there on his dear sweet younger brother's cranium. At this point I am unwilling to detail the events that followed, suffice to say it wasn't pretty.

In fact, it was really noisy.

And high-pitched.

And outraged.

And physical.

There is nothing more to say at this point other than how spectacularly relieved I am not to have had any brothers.

Here's to being the only gal in an otherwise all male household. Help me!

Jen x