Thursday, October 14, 2010

Two legs: good. Eight legs: yikes!

There is only one thing worse than finding a visitor of this size on your lounge room wall during a warm October evening...

...and that is finding out that he brought his mate with him, who has snuck into your bedroom while nobody was looking.

Ah, just another couple of interesting visitors to add to the list of those who have dropped in at our place. Remember her? And him? And them??
At times our place seems a lot more country than town, but then that's what happens when you live on the brink of both!

Jen x

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Brotherly bongos

No editing activities have been undertaken on this shot of my two Hatchlings.

I can confirm that yes, Hatchling No.1 is in fact playing the bongos on Hatchling No.2's head.

Yessiree, he's knocking out a really bitchin' rhythm right there on his dear sweet younger brother's cranium. At this point I am unwilling to detail the events that followed, suffice to say it wasn't pretty.

In fact, it was really noisy.

And high-pitched.

And outraged.

And physical.

There is nothing more to say at this point other than how spectacularly relieved I am not to have had any brothers.

Here's to being the only gal in an otherwise all male household. Help me!

Jen x

Thursday, September 30, 2010

What happened over winter?

It is unthinkable.
It is inexcusable.
It is irresponsible.
It is untenable.
It is irreversible.
It is washing machinable.
It is down right, you got it, straight from my heart, regretable.

Still Jenny from the Blog has been outrageously neglected and quite frankly, if blogs had emotions of their own and could communicate with their authors independantly - this blog would be giving me the silent treatment right about now!

Wait a minute, maybe it HAS been giving me the silent treatment... Or have I been giving IT the silent treatment??

Now I am not only ashamed, embarrassed and eating the LARGEST portion of humble pie - I am also confused. Maybe this is why things have been quiet around here for a bit.

Let's do a whistle-stop tour of what we've been up to over the past couple of damp, dull, rainy, COLD months here in Melbourne:

1. Union Jack could take it no longer and launched us into the world of the flat screen t.v:

2. Hatchling No.2 learnt about the whole "talk to the hand 'cos the face ain't listening" thing:

3. We went on a road trip, which included this place:

And these guys:

And those:

4. Union Jack and The Hatchlings have been working construction:

5. And painting

6. Chilly Saturday mornings were spent here, with Hatchling No.1 doing this:

And that pretty much covers it...
Ooh, except one more thing. Most of the time I was dreaming of a world where, at my leisure, I could loll about - doing much more of something like this:

Jenny from the Blog is BACK!!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Printable Artwork that I love

My gorgeous friend and talented Graphic-Designer-Extraordinaire has just launched P for Printables.

P for Printables is a website that sells beautiful, printable pictures that you can download and use for any number of creative projects, such as cards, wrapping paper, invitations, scrapbooking, anything!

Or you could just stick them into a frame, hang them on your wall and enjoy them.

You can even download reward charts for your kids for free, and they're just too cute!

I love the idea that I can get my hands on unique, pretty, top quality pictures without having to leave the house. While the Hatchlings consider shopping centre shenanigans an excellent source of sporting fun, I'm not so keen on it. Here's to keeping the Hatchlings' sporting fun out of retail outlets! Hooray!

Congratulations Miss Prue.

Jen x

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

One more photo - that's it!

I often feel like a member of the paparazzi. Okay, so I only photograph my family, friends, trespassing wildlife, garden and whatever other ridiculousness I can find that will stand still long enough - but I feel it all the same. Why? Because the Hatchlings really know how to deliver the 'disgruntled celebrity' treatment when they've had enough of my camera.

Oh yes, they can turn on a dime, these little Hatchlings. One minute they can be gazing into the bay with a satisfied grin...

And then they realise you've captured the moment and their mood sours somewhat.

Okay, so maybe taking those last few irresistable snaps at the end of a long day out was a mistake on my part, but how could I resist this?

And just when I think Hatchling No.1 might be cool with it I get this:

Translation: "One more photo Mum, and NO MORE!!!!!!!!"

The Hatchlings rarely care if the light is amazing, or the scenery inspirational. They mostly like taking photos of their feet, given the chance. They leave me with no other option: I simply become a papparazzo. Sigh...

Note: Will somebody please insist that I cut this child's hair a little more often from now on?!

Thanking you in advance,

Jen x

Monday, June 28, 2010

Totally Team Jacob (this week)...

I've never been one to become hysterical over a pop star or movie star, and nothing has changed. I'm sure Taylor Lautner is a really nice guy, but Lordy there is no way he could compare to his on-screen Twilight character, Jacob!!

I want a werewolf like Jacob please!

Jen x

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I'm not a photographer, but...

The Hatchlings often inspire me to whip out the camera and take large volumes of poorly thought out, spur-of-the-moment-type photos. They are kids and they do funny stuff a LOT - it's like trying to resist the urge to scratch your nose when its hayfever season. Impossible!

Then, on other occasions I play my offence game rather than my defence game. I take some time to think about where we could take some nice-looking, slightly more thought out photos. The following pictures are from a few months back.

It was warm, sunny and dry - unlike now when it is cold, foggy and damp. After about a million years of drought I am not complaining, but when I see these photos I realise I am REALLY looking forward to spring!

Hatchling No.2 is nothing more than a smiling, happy angel here on Earth. Except when he is beating up Hatchling No.1!

Ah, they're good buddies really. From this picture you'd never know that they wrestle, and squawk, and punch, and roar, and kick, and scream, and...

Awww, surely not....

Surely these are two of the most heavenly creatures to ever frolic through our lovely neighbour Bruce's orchard?

All those in agreement, please say "Ay".

Jen x

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Why we love The Wiggles

Hi there!

When I was a preschooler I loved a t.v show called Romper Room. The host, Miss Helena was the most beautiful and amazing woman, and I ached to be one of the children actually AT Romper Room, playing with her.

The consolation for not actually being at Romper Room was that at the end of every episode she would look into her magic mirror, and she could actually see the kids who were watching from their lounge rooms - SHE REALLY COULD!

How do I know? Because she would tell you who she could see, man - I'm not kidding!

" I can see Sarah, and Ashley, and Peter, and Toby, and Emily, and Rosa..." and on and on she would go. Okay, so I never actually heard her say my name, but have no doubt I hung on her every word just in case she did!

The Hatchlings don't have Miss Helena to worship, but they do have The Wiggles. I couldn't resist capturing their "active tv viewing" of The Wiggles a few nights ago...

Sure I could have been more productive with my time (i.e. by cleaning up the apparent bombsite in our tv room), but where would the world be without footage like this to blackmail our children with at some later stage?

Jen x

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Butterfly Ball

In 1979 nothing filled my heart with joy more than hearing Roger Glover's voice belting out The Butterfly Ball on ABC television before Playschool started. Nothing that is, except for watching the video clip that went with it!

For a step back in time, visit to watch the original Butterfly Ball. It will be the best 3 minutes and 14 seconds of your day - I promise!!

Jen x

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day, babies and stuff

It must be a Mother's Day hangover or something, but I couldn't resist sifting through some baby photos of the Hatchlings this morning. This was the day that Hatchling No.1 arrived here on Planet Earth. Isn't he absolutely the most beautiful creature you've ever laid eyes on?

That's what I thought on the 20th October 2005. Look at that perfect little mouth. And the look of utter peace and serenity on his face. And those tiny fingers... Awwww.....
Biased? Me? No way! Hatchling No.1 really was the most beautiful newborn ever in the whole world, EVER.
No, really...

What a snoozy little character he was too. On day number one I couldn't wake this little Hatchling for love nor money. Good grief things had changed a bit by day number 31, but snoozing is still pretty high on Hatcnling No.1's priority list!

Okay, so he must have woken up at some point to schmooze Union Jack with his loving gazes.

Who knew that those tiny fingers would one day reach four and a half years old and at this very moment be throwing a ball for Phoenix at Granny Annie's place? Or getting his first taste of Aussie Rules football?

I want a newborn baby to hold - just not one that is MINE!
I am ready for that newborn baby smell, long cuddles and a hopelessly floppy head that needs holding up...
Just as long as I can hand the little bundle of joy back to their Mummy when:
A) they need a nappy change.
B) They are crying a LOT
C) They need putting to sleep
D) I get bored and want to do something else, like swing my arms, pick my toes or do the Macarena.
Anyone want to take bets on whethere there'll be a Hatchling No.3 coming any time soon? Hahaha!
Jen x

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Photoshop - The Time Machine.

Recently I was lucky enough to get my hands on Photoshop CS3. As you probably know, Photoshop is fantastic photo editing software - there is pretty much nothing it can't do. CS3 is not the latest and greatest that Photoshop has to offer (CS4 is now available), but it is more than enough for a newbie like me.


There really should be a warning in bold on the side of the packaging, because Photoshop is also a time machine. Really!

I can sit down to do a quick 20 minute editing session, and when I look up 3 hours have gone past. Similar to being abducted by aliens (so I believe - I have never personally been abducted by aliens), Photoshop is leaving me with many 'missing hours' in my week.

There is no time for this! I rush everywhere! I brush my teeth while I make the bed! I wash the dishes while I cook dinner and read 'Where is the Green Sheep?" to the Hatchlings!! Time (or the lack of it) is my enemy...

...I kind of love playing with Photoshop though. With persistance and a little help from The Pioneer Woman, I'm really learning a thing or two.

Take a look:

This is a picture of the Red Star cordyline that sits in a pot on my driveway.

Here it is again with a 70's effect applied to the image. Now it looks like my Red Star cordyline's Grandmother from, well, the 70's I guess.

And here she is again all funkied up for 2010. Vibrant, sharp, groovy cordyline. I like it!

Quality photographers are able to capture the perfect moment when a bee searches for pollen amongst the petals of a flower. What do I manage to photograph?

An ant.

What is an ant doing when he climbs up into the highest branches of a shrub and pretends he's a bee? I think he is an ant with big ideas and a lot of ambition. You can't knock him for that...

With a black and white treatment he now looks like a 'pin-up' ant. You know, a poster boy, a super model perhaps...

And then with some sunshine added he is transformed into a retro hippy-ant on his way to Woodstock. If he wasn't naked he'd be in brown corduroy flares and a paisley body shirt, for sure.

I rest my case. Between exploring the joy of Photoshop and writing questionable posts such as this, the mystery of my colossal laundry pile is explained.


Jen x

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Making an AFL legend step one: AUSKICK!

Saturday was a very proud day for the Hatches - Hatchling No.1 and Union Jack in particular. With his socks pulled up SO high they were above his knees, brand spanking new footy boots and brimming with enthusiasm, Union Jack took Hatchling No.1 to Auskick for the first time.

Hahahaha - kidding!
No, it was Hatchling No.1 with the socks, the brand spankers and so on. But you have to admit that the mental image of Union Jack right now really is something else!

Anyway, here he was (Hatchling No.1, that is) lined up and ready for his first ever Auskick session. Woo hoo!

Third from the end, green t-shirt and looooong socks. Doesn't he look a picture? He might be in desperate need of a St Kilda shirt and a haircut, but at least he was looking in the right direction (i.e. where the action was taking place).

Check out that grin as Hatchling No.1 runs in for his very first tackle. Hey, what's not to smile about? The guy he's about to tackle has no arms - it's unlikely that he'll retaliate too much, isn't it?

Hmmm, I'm not sure if there is a policy on closing your eyes as you go in for a tackle... I'm pretty sure Nick Riewoldt doesn't close his eyes at the vital moment, but I guess they'll get to that later.

If there's one thing Hatchling No.1 has been blessed with it is hand/eye co-ordination. Kicking was a breeze.

Apparently the footy boots made Hatchling No.1 kick twice as far as normal, according to the man himself.
He was slightly perturbed when it started to rain, but when 'the blokes' explained that we play footy in rain, hail or shine Hatchling No.1 returned to his happy place once again.

At the conclusion of his first Auskick experience the first question was "Can we do Auskick again tomorrow?".
The landing was smooth, and the duck has taken to the water, just as we suspected he might!
Jen x

Monday, April 19, 2010

A weekend by the sea

In my book, skipping town for the weekend is always an exhausting yet invigorating thing to do. Last weekend we did just that and headed down to the Mornington Peninnsula. Everybody is happy when they visit "Grandpa's Beach House". Hatchling No.2 is especially happy when he is actually saying the words, "Grandpa's Beach House".

Lordy, if I heard him say it once I heard him say it a thousand times over the four days we were there! And for the week following our visit! It may take me a few more weeks to recover. You know, for the rocking back and forth to stop... that sort of thing.

I took the Hatchlings to the quieter side of the peninnsula on Friday (before Union Jack made the journey after work to join us).

I keep telling myself the Hatchling No.1 is NOT envisaging giving Hatchling No.2 a hefty shove, thus plunging Hatchling No.2 straight into the wet stuff right at this moment.

It couldn't be possible, we'd only heard the words "Grandpa's Beach House" 378 times by this stage. Not even I was ready to do anything so drastic!

By the way, it was the Hatchlings themselves who insisted on wearing their hats this way. Hatchling No.1 was terrified the wind might pick his hat up and blow it all the way to Tasmania.

French Island or Philip Island might have been more realistic possibilities...

Hatchling No.2 was just wishing his mother had bothered to do up at least one button on his polo shirt that day. I mean, how hard would it have been? My care factor for buttons really needs to be raised a notch or to, wouldn't you say?

Thank heavens Hatchling No.2 was far more interested in working the phrase "Grandpa's Beach House" into at least 7 more sentences before we stepped off the pier.

You can see him working on the possibilities while Hatchling No.1 looks for fish, sharks, stingrays, seaweed etc.

"This here wooden pier reminds me of the polished wooden floorboards at Grandpa's Beach House!!"

Got it!

"This metal mesh we're walking on is just like the security door at..."
You guessed it...
"Grandpa's Beach House."


I have to stop now, I can feel the need to rock returning.

Jen x

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

We love the Easter Bilby!

Awww, this says it all really. The Easter Bilby is Hatchling No.1's latest idol, can you tell?

It is cupboard love, of course. After all, the love a Hatchling feels for an Easter Bilby is really only valid between the time of his first sighting on Good Friday until consumption of the last chocolate egg. Whenever that might be.

You can't beat a good Easter egg hunt.

Stay tuned for more of our Easter shenanigans just as soon as I eat another 127 Cadbury Dairy Milk eggs.

Jen x

Thursday, March 25, 2010

More visitors

When we first moved into our house I pestered Union Jack to make me a bird table. I liked the idea of putting seed out every morning and seeing who turned up. There is sometheing special about somebody that drops in for a visit of their own accord, eats whatever is going and then clears off to the next place...

Hang on, what?!

Please remind me of these words when the Hatchlings grow into teenagers - I have a feeling they may adopt a similar policy to our local birdlife.

Anyway, being the adorable creature that he is, Union Jack built me a bird table. It stands proudly in the garden by our deck, and we are visited daily by some colourful characters.

If birds could shout, that is what these two lorikeets do at about 8am every morning if the bird table looks bare. On the left is Sid, and on the right is Wanda.

Sid has anger management issues, but he's working on it. Nowadays he can generally hold it together so long as a cockatoo doesn't show his cheeky face. Much like the Hatchlings, Sid also has issues with sharing.

Wanda is his loyal partner, who used to be a Rolling Stones groupie but has now settled down to a quiet life with Sid. While Sid fluffs his feathers and does the macho thing, Wanda just stares adoringly at him.

Well, it's either adoration or she's dying to tell him to shut up and stop showing off. Maybe she's just waiting for a break in conversation, which is mostly one-way (i.e. Sid's way)...

No, I am pretty sure they adore each other. Sid and Wanda do everything together. And besides, with outfits like that I'm not sure who else would want to hang out with them. Sid and Wanda are such attention seekers!

Jen x

Monday, March 22, 2010

Have ramekins, will cook.

Sometimes it is dangerous to recieve junk mail. As I described in an earlier post, junk mail was almost a mythical creature when I was a child living in a small town where the mail was not delivered.

Junk mail still holds a certain fascination for me, and when I saw a picture of these little guys staring out at me from the pages of a catalogue recently, I knew they had to be mine.

What are they? They're ramekins! They are red, shiny, pretty, pretty ramekins!

What will I use them for? Something yummy in red, shiny, pretty, pretty ramekins! (I.e. I have no idea what I can cook with them yet.)

Do I love them? Yes, from the very first moment I laid eyes on them.

So, what could be better than eight red, shiny, pretty, pretty ramekins?

Eight red, shiny, pretty, pretty ramekins plus a square dish thing to match, of course!

Any ramekin requiring recipe suggestions you'd like to share? Please help me...

Jen x

P.S: It is really quite fun to roll your R's when you say the word 'ramekin' really loud - try it!

P.P.S: Please excuse this ridiculous suggestion if you are sitting at a computer in the middle of your local library, or in your office and your boss is within earshot.