Monday, July 20, 2009

Pincushions by Mother Nature

In late 2004 I planted five hakeas at the back of our place. They were all about 3 inches tall with only two leaves on each plant.

Yes, its been about four and half years in the making, but it finally happened a week or so ago. My hakeas flowered!! I know this isn't going to make front page headlines, but as I said, its taken four and a half years! To see a single flower!!!

Very slowly every day, the flowers are coming into bloom. There is the first burst of colour, followed by the emergence of lots of tiny tentacles, or pins.

Mother Nature's pincushions.

Now they stand about four feet tall, they are getting more and more bushy, and they've got beautiful flowers - woo hoo!!

"Pincushion hakeas", I am so proud!
Jen x

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