Thursday, July 9, 2009

And then there's these...

Around the time I was in year 9 or 10 I loved buying second hand clothes from the op shop. I remember having a beautiful leather belt that was a rich reddish-brown, with a big brass buckle. I bought it at the Diamond Creek op shop on the school holidays. I loved it because you could tell it had been worn a lot - the leather was soft and the holes were a bit worn. I had no idea where that belt had been before I found it, but I knew that if it could talk it would have a story or two to tell.

The following item, however, looks like it has not so much a story as a complete novel to tell. And I think that novel would begin with a chapter on the merits of walking on two feet. Take a look and see what you think:

Yep, I don't think these guys are going to make it to our local op shop. They've had the stuffing knocked out of them, literally.
You see, neither of The Hatchlings were in much of a hurry to walk as babies. Both were around 18 months before they took to getting around on two feet. And these rather pathetic looking slippers were a feat of engineering wrapped in beige corduroy and sheepskin. THEY NEVER FELL OFF THE HATCHLINGS LITTLE FEET - EVER! For this reason alone, these little guys were employed to warm Hatchling No.1's feet, and then Hatchling No.2's feet when his turn came. I could never find another pair the same, and although slightly shabby, nothing compared to these little slippers.

And now...

Now the Hatchlings have moved on, leaving the most loyal of slippers behind without so much as a second glance. Yet for some reason I am torn. I just cant bring myself to throw the little guys out.

Maybe now that I have captured their beauty in these photos and shared a little of their story it might become a bit easier to slam dunk them into the wheely bin.
Only time will tell.
Jen x


  1. That's a nice story. I say keep 'em....they've earnt their keep after all!

  2. They won't take up much space. I vote keep them as well - and bring them out at those special occasions like 18ths, 21sts, grandchildren, etc... And then when the Hatchlings are older, they can give you weird looks and wonder why on earth you decided to keep them and shake their heads at each other about their slightly mental mum...
