We would have romantic dinners, weekends away, lazy Sundays spent with newspapers, a flood of tea and each other.
I don't quite remember the details but I'm pretty certain that we got to sleep in on the weekends until we felt like waking up. Wow! Nowadays our day starts when Drill Sergeant No.1 or No.2 commands we take action - usually around 6am. (Its fair to say that 6am is just a little bit earlier than I'd prefer, but there's just no reasoning with the Hatchlings on this matter - YET.)
In the first couple of years our house also had a fishpond that looked like this:
When we first viewed the house prior to buying it there was a little cafe style table and two chairs out in the courtyard where the fishpond is located.
Union Jack and I could really see ourselves sitting out there, listening to the waterfall while we chatted over coffee. The sound of the trickling water created a relaxed atmosphere. We liked that pond - and the goldfish who lived in it too.
The pond was never really seen as a hazard until the most beautiful baby in the world arrived in 2005 - Hatchling No.1. (In case you are wondering, Hatchling No.2 was of course the most beautiful baby in the world in 2007.) When our little bundle of joy became mobile we looked at the pond rather differently, "What if the little whipper snapper falls in?" we thought.
Then, after months of puzzling on our part, Grandpa D had a brain wave, "You could always empty out the water and turn it into a sand pit?" he said.
Yes! Of course!!
Now the risky water hazard has become the ultimate sand pit experience. Its big, deep and full of toys. I can watch the Hatchlings play in the sandpit from the kitchen, loungeroom, bedroom, hallway and toyroom. So when Hatchling No.1 has Hatchling No.2 in his sights to recieve a truckload of sand over his head I can often rescue the poor little mite before it happens.
We've got a slide too.
We still often refer to that area as "The Fishpond", and who knows, maybe one day it will become a fishpond once again.
Its not nearly as cool as the arrangement we first fell in love with.
It doesn't have the tranquility that it used to.
But instead it is lively. It is full of action, fun, laughter, Tonka Trucks (and sand).
Its our "Fishpond Sandpit".
Jen x
Great post - love the photos! I see the benefit and liveliness the new fishpond sandpit creates - bringing its own style of joy. However I do also see how one could yearn once more for the peace and tranquility the fishpond fishpond would bring.... sigh...