Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Hoo Hoo! Who's there?


Amongst what seems to be the ever increasing menagerie around our place is a rather distinguished looking guy who likes to peep through my office window from time to time. Although his face might seem quite menacing to some (particularly furry four-legged types who say "Squeak"), I love it when I spot him outside my window.

This shot isn't that recent, but its the best one I have managed so far. Natural camouflage is perhaps the photographer's enemy? Or maybe just mine, I don't know.

Its fair to say that Mr Owl has had a bit of Photoshop-ing to help combat the camouflage thing. Here's what he looked like before Photoshop:

Even in this un-photoshopped version I had cropped ruthlessly in order to find my little mate among the gum leaves. I wonder how often I walk past him without noticing?

I'm pretty sure he misses nothing.

Wise old owl.

Jen x

PS: Mr Owl seems to be awake a LOT on the days he visits. If he flies and hunts all night, and then sits and watches the world (and me) all day - when do owls sleep exactly?

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