In my previous post I described Hatchling No.1 as a "Couch Potato". This statement needs correcting. It isn't the couch that is his 'thing', its the television. So when I said "Couch Potato", what I meant was "T.V Junkie". There - much better.
Hang on. What?!
Okay, this isn't something I am proud of, but let me explain. The poor child never stood a chance. Union Jack would watch the test pattern on television if there was nothing else on - he loves watching t.v that much. He just never gets bored of it. I on the other hand only ever half watch most shows, getting distracted by kids, cooking, looking out the window, thinking funny stuff - anything really. I have an aversion to getting too hooked on anything other than Grey's Anatomy. Who knows why Grey's Anatomy gets my total commitment? I'm pretty sure it couldn't have anything at all to do with McDreamy and McSteamy...
Anyway, Hatchling No.1 seems to have inherited his Daddy's t.v gene COMPLETELY. And here are a few pictures to prove it:
Awwww, a teeny weeny Hatchling No.1 keeping up with current affairs. He's so advanced!
Here he is sharing the joy of The Wiggles with his friend Miss Tilly. "Yeah! Murray's the one in the red, but Greg's my favorite."
When Hatchling No.1 went on holidays to the Gold Coast, he liked to start each day with a boogie to the "Jane and the Dragon" theme song.
If its too sunny to watch television - no problem! Just add shades.
Check out all that dribble! Was it caused by the lollipop or Roary the Racing Car? I guess we'll never know.
Do you see what I mean now? There's definitely a 't.v thing' going on with that little person - we've successfully confirmed that much. And who knew I'd taken so many photos of the Hatchling watching television anyway?
Jen x
PS: I think I'd better turn off the television now...