Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A Hunger for Haircuts

The Hatchlings had their hair cut last week. They were so well behaved that I thought maybe the real Hatchlings had been abducted and replaced with 'Kidbots', whose super-powers include calmness and serenity. It was THAT spooky!

Hair cuts are clearly quite taxing on their stomachs though. The moment we arrived home I was faced with a feeding frenzy!

Look at that beautifully snipped, combed and blowdried hair!

Check out that rather disconcerting yellow/green bruise on Hatchling No.2's forehead. That's what happens when you trip and headbut your brother's bed. The bump that emerged from his forehead was truly sickening, poor baby.

The only thing that could make him feel better after the whole headbut thing - an Australian flag tattoo. Of course!

Hatchling No.1 is currently going for the Edward Cullen look. In fact, since completing the 'Twilight' series, his Aunt Pattie insists on always calling him Edward.

Edward Cullen, aged 4.

Hatchling No.1 may need to work on Edward's cool demeanour. I don't recall big cheesy grins being Edward's thing...

And maybe overcome his passion for Lightning McQueen. I don't recall Edward wearing any 'Cars' t-shirts in the movie.

Cute haircuts though. It's amazing what can be achieved if one will simply sit still and let the hairdresser do their thing!

And thank heavens feeding frenzies of this scale only happen occasionally!!

Jen x

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Hairstyles - the long and the short

Here is a picture of me and my sister in law, sitting on our father in law's lap. The photo was taken at the party held in the UK to celebrate Union Jack and I getting engaged and skipping the country. The party was fantastic, the 70's funk band were spectacular and by golly my hair was LONG!!!

I have been trying to grow my hair a bit longer recently, but this photo has spurred me on. I think I want long hair again!

The followng (very blurry) photo was taken at a work break-up party last March. In some kooky transcendental fashion, the blurriness of this image matched exactly with how blurry everything was looking to me at the time, due mainly to the consumption of LOTS of beer.

The activities that followed this photo session included a marathon session at a Melbourne karaoke bar, Glen Campbell's Rhinestone Cowboy, and waaaay too many cosmopolitans. But I digress...

The point is that in this photo my hair was SHORT. And BLONDE! Seeing this photo makes me want to chop off all of my hair and colour it immediately!!

Now I am torn. Long and dark? Short and blonde?


Jen x

Monday, February 8, 2010

Black Saturday - 365 days + 1

I couldn't write this post yesterday - it felt weird. Some say we were only 12 minutes away from fire if the wind hadn't changed when it did on February 7th last year... I don't know. But sitting in my home surrounded by family yesterday, I felt so lucky.

25km meant a lot this time last year.

I am humbled by these pictures - tears sting my eyes every time I look at them. Those brave, brave people...

God bless those brave, brave people...