Oh my, the things one's offspring inherit! Growing up in a rural location means that we never had our mail delivered. We used to collect our mail from the General Store instead. This wasn't such a bad thing - as a kid it meant an opportunity to try and negotiate either Mum or Dad a 20 cent bag of mixed lollies or an icypole. Yep, collecting the mail had its advantages!I used to imagine what it would be like to have a mail box though. I saw people on t.v with letterboxes - it looked pretty cool. The absence of a letterbox also meant that we NEVER received junk mail. N.E.V.E.R. If we ever visited friends or relatives in the suburbs, we would scour their junk mail catalogues from cover to cover. They were special alrighty.
As a wee thing I didn't care what goods were featured in these catalogues - women's clothes, power tools, groceries. It was all good. But I always felt I'd hit the jackpot if there happened to be a Kmart or Treasureway catalogue with a page or two of toys. Who knew it was genetic?
Hatchling No.1 and his cousin Nickers spent at least an hour chatting over the Target and Big W toy sale catalogues the other day.
A whole catalogue dedicated to toys? Not in my day! "Er, yeah - I want that one, and that one, and that...".
Months of entertainment.
Jen x